Despite playing host to a friendly and diligent community of artists and musicians, Nottingham is often lumbered with misleading and unflattering epithets, such as “Shottingham” and “Gun City”. We feel this characterisation radically undersells Nottingham’s culture of creativity. With this film, we hope to thoroughly challenge this perception and reinvigorate people’s interest in the musical talent of our vibrant, modern, multicultural city.
The documentary will showcase local bands and artists whilst a heavy focus will be placed on why local bands have to leave for London to get national recognition. We also ask why Nottingham does not boast the same reputation for music once enjoyed by other cities in the Midlands and includes interviews with local bands, fans and promoters to nationwide independent record labels, music journalists and the occasional home grown celebrity.
Currently in the can are live performances and interviews from Dog Is Dead, Petebox, Natalie Duncan, fists, Royal Gala, Swimming, Pilgrim Fathers, Hot Japanese Girl, Baby Godzilla, Captain Dangerous and Fixit Kid. And we follow Amusement Parks on Fire as they tour in LA with the Happy Mondays.
See what happens when a city's music scene stops concentrating on making a profit and starts concentrating on making a difference!